CS1674/2074: Introduction to Computer Vision, Fall 2024

Location (class): Cathedral 229
Class time: Tuesday and Thrusday, 11:00am - 12:15pm
Instructor: Nils Murrugarra (email: nem177 AT pitt DOT edu; use “CS1674” at the beginning of the subject line)
Instructor’s office hours: Tuesday and Wednesday, 9am-11am
Instructor’s office: Sennott Square 5419
TA: Arushi Rai (email: arr159 AT pitt DOT edu; use “CS1674” at the beginning of the subject line)
TA’s office hours: Friday, 2:00pm - 5:00pm
TA’s office: Sennott Square 5404
Canvas: used for announcements and assignment submission


Date Chapter Slides Homework
08/27 Intro Intro_course [pdf] [pptx]
Linear_algebra [pdf] [pptx]
08/29   Linear_algebra
Python tutorial
A1 on canvas
09/03 Low-level Vision Intro_cv [pdf] [pptx]
Filters and Texture [pdf] [pptx]
09/05   Filters and Texture  
09/10   Filters and Texture
Features [pdf] [pptx]
A2 on canvas
09/12   Features  
09/17   Features  
09/19   Features A3 on canvas
09/24   Grouping [pdf] [pptx]  
09/26   Grouping A4 on canvas
10/01   Grouping  
10/03   Exam 1 Review A5 on canvas
10/08 High-level Vision Intro to Recognition [pdf] [pptx]  
10/10   Exam 1  
10/15   No class: Fall Break  
10/17   Intro to Recognition  