CS441: Discrete Structures for Computer Science, Spring 2025
Location (class): (Section A) Sennott Square 5502, and (Section B) Sennott Square 5502
Class time: (Section A) Monday and Wednesday, 4:30 - 5:45pm, and (Section B) Tuesday and Thrusday, 2:30 - 3:45pm
Instructor: Nils Murrugarra (email: nem177 AT pitt DOT edu; use “[CS 441]” at the beginning of the subject line)
Instructor’s office hours: Monday, 11am - 1pm and Tueday, 9am-11am
Instructor’s office: Sennott Square 5419
Teaching Assistants
Canvas: used for announcements and assignment submission
Date | Chapter | Topic | Slides |
01/08-09 | The Foundations | Introduction | lec_1.intro [pdf] [pptx] |
01/13-14 | Propositional Logic | lec_2.prop-logic [pdf] [pptx] | |
01/15-16 | Propositional Logic |